Choosing a Template

Findable templates are built around particular campaign types with descriptive names that help you identify the best for your pSEO campaign.

To choose a template, start by reviewing your head term and considering the content you’ll display on your page.

For example, imagine your head term is something like:

Best {Watch Category} for {Occasion}

This page should contain a big list of watch recommendations for different occasions. Therefore, our go-to template would be ‘Recommendations’.

We can examine our head term variables to confirm that this template is suitable. Each template includes an example head term for reference.

Note that this doesn’t need to match your head term exactly—as long as the general structure is similar, you can tweak the page output to match the head term you landed on.

There are five broad variable categories that we use:

  • Location

  • Audience

  • Category

  • Keyword

  • People

These categories are present in all Findable templates. We call these ‘parameters’.

In addition, Findable uses more specific variable categories that will change depending on your site and the campaign you want to run. These include:

  • Services

  • Products

  • Offers

  • Organisations

  • Questions

We call these ‘objects’.

Your campaign will always have one object and at least one parameter.

Our example uses two parameters and one object.

{Watch Category} is an easy one - this is a category variable (parameter).

We could match our {Occasion} variable to a keyword variable (parameter).

Finally, watches are products, so we’ll need to ensure that our template includes products (object).

When we replace our head term variables with the broad ones used by Findable, we end up with:

Best {category} for {keyword}

Taking a look at the ‘Recommendations’ template, our example head term is:

Best {keyword} {category}

And that’s a pretty good match!

Last updated