
When you use Findable, you’ll encounter a few terms. These should be intuitive, but it’s worth reading through them to familiarise yourself with the terminology of Findable pSEO.

Head Term

Head terms are an integral part of any successful programmatic SEO campaign. They are the powerful foundation on which hundreds of web pages can be built.

A head term is basically a formula with constants and variables. As we change the variables, we generate unique titles targeting different keywords.

You’ll often see variables denoted with {curly brackets}. This is just a way of showing what parts of our head term we plan to change programmatically.

Let’s look at an example head term:

Top 10 Things to Do in {city}

In this head term, Top 10 Things to Do in is a constant. It won’t change. It’s good to use phrases that people will regularly search for.

Our variable, in this case, is {city}. Imagine we have a big list of cities in the United States: we’d replace that variable with each city in the list to get a unique keyword.

Top 10 Things to Do in New York

Top 10 Things to Do in Las Angeles

Top 10 Things to Do in Chicago

Our job with pSEO is to find a head term to target our desired audience and convince them to click our link.


Your workspace contains all of the sites you manage on Findable. If you’re familiar with Webflow, workspaces there are analogous.

For example, if you manage multiple websites, you might include them all in a single workspace. An agency might also have a few different clients under one workspace.

You can also be a member of multiple workspaces—an agency, for example, might have each client in a separate workspace to help manage billing.


A site is a website—it’s where you want to cast your pSEO spells. You can have multiple sites in a workspace and multiple campaigns running on a single site.


The heart of your pSEO campaign is your head term—things like Best things to do in {city} or Top 10 {toy types} for {dog breed}.

In Findable, one head term = one campaign. It is much easier to manage everything if you keep your focus.

To create your campaign, you’ll build a database with items from different collections. Findable will then combine these elements to create your programmatic pages.


A collection is a group of items or pages with a particular theme. In Webflow, your collections are the different groups of pages in your CMS. In your Findable database, they’re grouped in much the same way.

Common collections include audiences, categories, keywords, and locations. You might also have branches, offerings, or services depending on the campaign.

The programmatic magic happens at the intersection of your collections. Findable takes the information from, for example, locations, and combines them with a list of venue types in categories to create a combo collection Best {venue types} in {location}.

In a third collection, you’ll have a list of all the actual venues and their details—bars and restaurants, for example—along with their websites, addresses, social media, and opening hours. When you configure your campaign, you’ll connect all of these items across your collections so they can be combined programmatically.

Combo Collections

Combo collections are generated by Findable and are the primary output for your campaign. They combine your collections to produce unique pages built around a head term.

In our previous example, we put together a list of locations in the location category and a list of venue types in category for the head term Best {venue types} in {location}.

This head term comes to life inside the combo collection by drawing on the category and location entries to produce a new item. For example, you might generate “Best restaurants in London”, “Best restaurants in New York”, “Best bars in Seattle”, and “Best bars in Melbourne”.

Findable creates these collections for you automatically when you start syncing your site.

Items & Pages

Items are the individual entries in your collection that end up as pages on your site. In your database, these are the rows of data that you’ll fill in with details.

Findable provides a wide range of templates built around different campaigns. Each template has different fields so that you can enter any kind of data about each item. For example, a list of businesses might include addresses or websites, or products might have price ranges or details like size and colour.

Last updated