Finding Inspiration

If you’re new to pSEO, understanding what content you can generate can be as challenging as creating the campaign itself. Fortunately, inspiration is everywhere.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Tripadvisor - “things to do in {city}”

  • Glassdoor - “{job title} salaries”

  • Nomadlist - “best places to live in {city}”

  • Canva - “{use case} design template”

  • Zapier - “{tool} + {tool} integrations”

On the Findable blog, you can find a big list of head terms we’ve collected. You don’t need to follow these structures strictly, but it’s an excellent place to start, and the fact that many sites follow a similar formula indicates that it works.

Check out the Researching a Head Term section for inspiration specific to your site.

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